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Syllabus BCA


Theory Question Paper Format
The question papers of the theory examinations should follow the pattern specified below:

Section Marks for Each Question Number of Questions Total Marks
Total Should Answer
A 3 8 6 18
B 8 6 4 32
C 10 3 2 20
Total Marks 70

While selecting the questions importance should be given to all major units.


Scheme of valuation:
1. Writing two programs one from each section 20 marks
2. Execution of one program 20 marks
3. Formatting the program and output 10 marks
3. Record verification 10 marks
4. Viva voce related to practical topics only 10 marks
Total Marks 70

Scheme of valuation:
1. Demonstration and presentation 70 marks
2. Documentation 30 marks
Total Marks 100

TITLE: Probability And Statistics
CODE: CA1112
Hrs / Week: 4 Hrs

Definition, Function and Scope of Statistics.4 Hrs

Measures of Central Tendency:
Arithmetic Mean, Weighted A.M., Median, Mode, Geometric and Harmonic Mean, their Merits and Demerits. 6 Hrs

Measures of Variation:
Range, The Interquartile Range or Quartile Deviation, Average (Mean), Deviation Standard Deviation, Coefficient of Variation, Skewness, Moments & Kurtosis. 10 Hrs

Correlation Analysis:
Introduction, Karl Pearson's Coefficient of Correlation, Rank Correlation Coefficient, Coefficient of determination. 6 Hrs

Regression Analysis:
Difference Between Correlation & Regression, Regression Lines, Regression Equations, Regressions Coefficient. Method of least squares. 8 Hrs

Introduction, Events & Different Types of Events, Addition and Multiplication Law, Conditional Probability, Baye's Theorem. 6 Hrs

Probability Distribution:
Random Variables, Probability Function, Binomial Poison and Normal Distribution. 4 Hrs

Sampling Distribution:
Chi Square (X2) Distribution and Its Properties, Chi - Square Test, Application of Chi - Square Distribution: Chi- Square Test for Population Variance, Chi- Square Test of Goodness of Fit, Independence of Attributes, T- Distribution and Its Properties, Application of T - Distribution to Testing Hypothesis About Population Mean, Difference Between Two Means, Correlation Coefficient. 16 Hrs

1. S.P. Gupta & M.P. Gupta, "Business Statistics", Sultan Chand & Sons.
2. S.C. Gupta & V.K. Kapoor,"Fundamental of Mathematical Statistics", Sultan Chand & Sons.

TITLE: Mathematical Foundation For Computer Science
CODE: CA1212
Hrs / Week: 4 Hrs

Sets, Relations and Functions
Definition of set, intersection, union and compliments. Principal of inclusion and exclusion, De Morgan’s laws, cardinality difference, symmetric difference. Cartesian product, relations. 7 Hrs

Matrix Theory
Review of fundamentals, equivalent matrices, elementary row (column) operations, and rank of a matrix by reducing it to the normal form, rank of a matrix by reducing it to echelon form. 12 Hrs

Mathematical Logic
Connectives, Negation, Conjunction, Disjunction, conditional, bi-conditional, statement formulas, Tautology and contradiction, Equivalence formulae Normal forms: Principle conjunctive and disjunctive normal forms, Theory of inferences for Statement calculus validating using truth tables. 10 Hrs

Graph Theory:
Definition of a Graph, Finite and Infinite Graphs, Incidence and Degree of a vertex, Null Graph, Sub graphs, Walks, Paths, Circuits, Connected, Disconnected graphs and Components, Euler Graph, Hamiltonian Path and Hamiltonian Circuits. 8 Hrs

Trees And Matrix Representation:
Properties of Trees, Distance and Centres in a Tree, Rooted and Binary Trees, Spanning Trees and Fundamental Circuits. Cutset, properties of a Cutset. Matrix Representation of graphs: Incidence matrix, Circuit matrix, Fundamental Circuit Matrix, Cutset matrix, Path matrix, Adjacency matrix 10 Hrs

Planar and Dual Graphs
Planar Graphs, Kurtowski’s two Graphs, Different Representations of a Planar Graph, Detection of Planarity. 7 Hrs

Directed Graphs:
Definition, some types of Digraphs, Digraphs and Binary relations, Directed paths and Connectedness, Euler Digraphs, Trees with directed edges, Fundamental Circuits in Digraphs, Adjacency Matrix of a Digraph. 8 Hrs

1. Engineering Mathematics by H.C. Das, Chand publications.
2. Graph theory – Narasingh Deo
3. Discrete mathematical Structures by J.P. Trembley and R. Manohar, TMH Publications.
4. Discrete Mathematics by Liu.
5. BCA, Mathematics Vol-II G.K. Ranganath and B. Soorya Narayana.

TITLE: Programming In C
CODE: CA1312
Hrs / Week: 4 Hrs

Introduction To Programming:
Problem Solving Using Computers: Language Classification, Problem Analysis, Algorithm and Flowchart design. Algorithms: Steps in developing algorithms, advantages and disadvantages. Flowcharts: Symbols used in developing flowcharts, advantages and disadvantages. Coding, testing, debugging, Documentation and maintenance. Program development and modular design. 10 Hrs

Introduction To C Programming:
History, Structure of a C program, C Conventions, Character Set, Identifiers, Keywords, Simple Data types, Modifiers, Variables, Constants, Operators (Arithmetic operator, relational operator, logical operator, ternary operator, unary operator, shorthand operator, bit-wise operator and arithmetic operator) Operator precedence. Input and Output operation: Single character input and output, formatted input and output, Buffered input. 5 Hrs

Control Structures:
Introduction, Conditional statement, if statement, if-else statement, nested if statement, else-if statement and switch statement. Goto statement. Looping statement, while statement, do-while statement, for statement, break and continue, nested for statement. 10 Hrs

Introduction (One and two dimensional), Declaration of arrays, Initialization of arrays, processing with arrays. String manipulation, declaration of string arrays, string operations. 9 Hrs

Introduction, advantages of subprograms, Function definition, function call, Actual and formal arguments, local and global variables, function prototypes, types of functions, recursive functions, arrays and functions. 10 Hrs

Storage Classes, Structures and Unions:
Introduction, types of storage classes, Introduction to structures, Advantages of structures, accessing elements of a structure, nested structures, array of structures, functions and structures, Unions, bit-fields, enumerated data types. 5 Hrs

Introduction, pointer variable, pointer operator, pointer arithmetic, pointers and arrays, pointers and strings, array pointers, dynamic allocation. 10 Hrs

1. Kanetkar, Yashavant: “Let Us C”, 7th Edition. BPB Publications.
2. Gottfried, Byron S: “Programming with C”, Tata McGraw-Hill.
3. Balagurusamy, E: “Programming in ANSI C” 2nd Edition. Tata McGraw-Hill
4. Deitel, H M and Deitel P J: “C How to Program”, 2nd Edition. Prentice-Hall.

TITLE: Computer Fundamentals And Digital Electronics
CODE: CA1412
Hrs / Week: 4 Hrs

Introduction to computers:
Functional block diagram of a digital computer, Generation of computers, Classification of Computers- Analog, Digital, Hybrid, Micro, Mini, Mainframe computers etc. 3 Hrs

Input devices - Keyboard, Mouse, Lightpen, Joystick, Scanner, Digitizer.Output devices – Various types of printers, Plotters, Secondary storage devices - Floppy disk, Hard disk, CDROM, Optical disk. 3 Hrs

Types of software, System software, Operating System, Application Software, Machine Level Language, Assembly language, Higher level programming languages, Assemblers, Compilers and editors. Merits and demerits of all the languages. 4 Hrs

Representation of Data:
Number Systems, and Inter-conversions among them, Binary arithmetic (Addition, Subtraction, multiplication, division) Binary number system complements- 9’s,10’s compliments (additions only) 1’s and 2’s complements and their subtractions, ASCII,Excess- 3 code and Gray code, EBCDIC code and BCD code. Fixed point representation of numbers, floating-point representation 10 Hrs

Boolean Algebra and Logic Circuits:
Boolean Algebra Laws and theorems, Gates- AND, OR, NOT,NAND, NOR, EXOR, truth tables, Boolean expressions and their simplifications, SOP & POS-minterm, maxterm & Karnaugh map simplification logic expression. 12 Hrs

Combinational and Sequential circuits:
Multiplexers, Demultiplexers, Decoders, Encoders, Half Adder, Full Adder, Parallel Addersubtractor, Flip flops - RS, JK, D, T, Master Slave , Counters-ripple,mod-3,mod-5,mod- 10,ring counter, Shift registers. 15 Hrs

Semiconductor devices :
PN junction diode, formation of pn junction layer, potential barrier, energy level diagram of pn junction, Biasing of pn junction, behaviour of pn junction under forward and reverse biasing, break down in pn junction, avalanche and zener break down. Diode characteristics; V-I characteristic, forward and reverse bias, diode parameters, bulk resistance, knee voltage, static and dynamic resistance, PIV. 13 Hrs

1. Fundamentals of Computers by Rajaraman, PHI, 2012 Edition.
2. Digital Computer Fundaments by Thomas C Bartee, McGraw Hill, VI Edition
3. Computer Organization by Carl Hamacher V. Zaki, McGraw Hill
4. Digital computer Fundaments by Malvino & Leach.
5. Malvino, Digital Principles and Applications, Tata McGraw Hill, 4th Edition
6. M. Ercegovac, T. Lang, J.H. Moreno, Introduction to Digital Systems, John Wiley and Sons.

Hrs / Week: 2 Hrs

1. Finding the largest, smallest and second largest of three numbers (use simple if).
2. Finding whether a given year is a leap year (use if-else).
3. Finding the roots of a quadratic equation (use nested-if).
4. Calculate Julian date (use switch)
5. Reverse a number ( use while )
6. Find whether a number is prime ( use while )
7. Convert a decimal number to its binary equivalent and vice versa ( use do- while )
8. Find the occurrence of a digit in a number ( use do-while )
9. Generate the fibonacci sequence ( use for )
10. Find the factorial of a number ( use for )
11. Generate the pattern (use nested for)

1 1
1 2 2 3
1 2 3 4 5 6

14. Sorting a. Bubble b. Selection
15. Searching a. Linear b. Binary
16. Find whether a string is a palindrome.
17. Find whether a given matrix is a lower triangular matrix or upper triangular matrix.
18. Find the sum of the sine and cosine series (use functions).
19. Perform the multiplication of two compatible matrices (use functions).
20. Find x to the power of y using recursion.

Hrs / Week: 2 Hrs

  1. Commands in DOS(Internal and External) and simple exercises on TYPE, REN, DEL, CD, MD, COPY, TREE, BACKUP commands

  2. Exercises on entering text and data (Typing Practice)

  3. Features of Windows as an operating system
    - Start, Shutdown and restore
    - Creating and operating on the icons
    - Opening, closing and sizing the windows
    - Using elementary job commands like
    - Creating, saving, modifying,
    - Renaming, finding and deleting a file
    - Creating and operating on a folder
    - Changing setting like, date, time, color (back ground and fore ground)
    - Using short cuts
    - Using on-line help

  4. MS-Word
    File Management:

    Opening, creating and saving a document, locating files, copying contents in some different file(s), protecting files, giving password protection for a file
    Page Set up:
    Setting margins, tab setting, ruler, indenting
    Editing a document:
    Entering text, Cut, copy, paste using tool-bars
    Formatting a document:
    Using different fonts, changing font size and colour, changing the appearance through bold/ italic/ underlined, highlighting a text, changing case, using subscript and superscript, using different underline methods
    - Aligning of text in a document, justification of document ,Inserting bullets and numbering
    - Formatting paragraph, inserting page breaks and column breaks
    - Use of headers, footers: Inserting footnote, end note, use of Comments
    - Inserting date, time, special symbols, importing graphic images, drawing tools
    Tables and Borders:
    Creating a table, formatting cells, use of different border styles, shading in tables, merging of cells, partition of cells, inserting and deleting a row in a table
    - Print preview, zoom, page set up, printing options
    - Using Find, Replace options
    Using Tools like:
    Spell check, help, use of macros, mail merge, thesaurus word content and statistics, printing envelops and labels
    - Using shapes and drawing toolbar,
    - Working with more than one window in MS Word,
    - How to change the version of the document from one window OS to another
    - Conversion between different text editors, software and MS word

  5. MS-Excel
    Starting excel, open worksheet, enter, edit, data, formulas to calculate Values, format data, create chart, printing chart, save worksheet, switching from another spread sheet.
    Menu commands:
    Create, format charts, organize, manage data, solving problem by analyzing data, and exchange with other applications. Programming with MS-Excel, getting information while working.
    Work books:
    Managing workbooks (create, open, close, save), working in work books, selecting the cells, choosing commands, data entry techniques, formula creation and links, controlling calculations, working with arrays
    - Editing a worksheet, copying, moving cells, pasting, inserting, deletion cells, rows, columns, find and replace text, numbers of cells, formatting worksheet
    Creating a chart:
    Working with chart types, changing data in chart, formatting a chart, use chart to analyze data
    - Using a list to organize data, sorting and filtering data in list
    - Retrieve data with MS – query: Create a pivot table, customizing a pivot table.
    Statistical analysis of data
    Customise MS-Excel:
    How to change view of worksheet, outlining a worksheet, customise workspace, using templates to create default workbooks, protecting work book
    - Exchange data with other application: linking and embedding, embedding objects, linking to other applications, import, export document.

  6. MS PowerPoint
    Creating slides in power point

Teaching Plan

• Programming In ‘C’

• Digital Electronics

• Java Programming

• Mathematical Foundation for Computer Science

• Probability and Statistics

• Visual Programming


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