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Syllabus BCA


Theory Question Paper Format
The question papers of the theory examinations should follow the pattern specified below:

Section Marks for Each Question Number of Questions Total Marks
Total Should Answer
A 3 8 6 18
B 8 6 4 32
C 10 3 2 20
Total Marks 70

While selecting the questions importance should be given to all major units.


Scheme of valuation:
1. Writing two programs one from each section 20 marks
2. Execution of one program 20 marks
3. Formatting the program and output 10 marks
3. Record verification 10 marks
4. Viva voce related to practical topics only 10 marks
Total Marks 70

Scheme of valuation:
1. Demonstration and presentation 70 marks
2. Documentation 30 marks
Total Marks 100

CODE: CA4112
Hrs / Week: 4 Hrs

Background and some Basic Commands:
Brief history, Salient features of UNIX system, POSIX and the Single UNIX Specification, The UNIX Architecture, Locating commands, Internal and External Commands, Flexibility of Command Usage, man: Browsing and Manual Pages On – line, Understanding the man Documentation. Cal: The Calendar, date: Displaying and system Date, echo: Displaying a message, printf: An alternative to echo, bc: The Calculator, Script: Recording your session, passwd: Changing your pass word, who: Who are the Users?, uname: Knowing your Machine’s Characteristics, tty: Knowing your Terminal, sty: Displaying and setting Terminal Characteristics. 8 Hrs

The File System and some File Handling Commands:
The File, What’s in a (file) name? The Parent – Child Relationship, The HOME Variable: The Home Directory, pwd: Checking your Current Directory, cd: Changing the Current Directory, mkdir: Making Directories, rmdir: Removing Directories, Absolute Pathnames, Relative Pathnames, Is: Listing Directory continents, The UNIX File System. Cat: Displaying and Creating files, cp: Copying a File, rm: Deleting Files, mv: Renaming Files, more: Paging Output, The Ip Subsystem: Printing a File, file: Knowing the File Types, wc: Counting Lines, Words and Characters, od: Displaying Data in Octal, The spell and ispell, cmp: Comparing Two Files, comm.: What is Common?, diff: Converting One File to other, dos2unix: and unix2dos: Converting Between DOS and UNIX, Compressing Files, gzip, gunzip, and unzip commands.8 Hrs

File Attributes:
Is – I: Listing File Attributes, The – d Option: Listing Directory Attributes, Listing inode number, listing hidden file, time associated with a file, listing timestamps. File ownership, File Permissions, chmod: Changing File Permissions, Directory Permissions, changing File ownership. File Systems and Inodes, Hard Links, Symbolic Links and In, The Directory, umask: Default File and directory Permissions, Modification and Access Times, find: Locating Files.5 Hrs

The vi Editor:
vi Basic, Input Mode – Entering and Replacing Text, Saving Text and Quitting – The ex Mode, Navigation, Editing Text, Undoing Last Editing Instructions, (u and U) Repeating the Last Command (.), Searching for a Pattern (/ and ?), Substitution – Search and Replace (:s), Customizing vi. 6 Hrs

The Shell:
The Shell’s Interpretive Cycle, Pattern Matching – The Wild – cards, Escaping and quoting, redirection: The three Standard Files, /dev/null and /dev/tty: Two Special Files, Pipers, tee: Creating a Tee, Command Substitution, Shell variables. 10 Hrs

The Process:
Process Basics, ps: Process Status, System Processes ( -eor-a), Mechanism of Process Creation, Internal and External Commands, Running Jobs in Background, nice: Job Execution with Low Priority, Killing Processes with Signals, Job Control, fg and bg commands at and batch: Execute Later, cron: Running Jobs Periodically, time: Timing Processes.8 Hrs

Communication In Unix: finger:
Details of Users, mesg: Your Willingness to communicate write: communication alternately, talk: Online Communication, wall: writing on all terminals, news: knowledge the local events, Email Basics, The mail command.6 Hrs

Simple Filters and grep Family of Commands:
The Sample Database, pr: Paginating Files, head: Displaying the Beginning of a File, tail: Displaying the End of a File, cut: Slitting a File Vertically, paste: pasting Files, sort: Ordering a file, uniq: Locate Repeated and Non repeated Lines, tr: Translating Characters, An Example: Displaying a Word – count List. Grep: Searching for a Pattern, Basic Regular Expressions (BRE) – An Introduction, Extended Regular Expressions (ERE) and egrep.6 Hrs

Introduction to Pearl:
Introduction, Perl basics, Variables, Conditionals and loops. 3 Hrs

1. Raymond, The Art of UNIX Programming, Pearson Education, Asia.
2. Glass: Unix for Programmers and Users, 3/e Pearson Education
3. Kernighan: The Unix Programming Environment
4. Kochan: Unix Shell Programming Pearson
5. Venkateshmurthy, Introduction to Unix and Shell Programming, Pearson Education.

TITLE: System Programming
CODE: CA4212
Hrs / Week: 4 Hrs

Machine Structure, Evolution of the Components of a Programming System, Assembler, Loaders, Macros, Compilers, Formal Systems. 3 Hrs

Machine Structure, Machine Language and assembly language:
General Machine Structure, Machine Language, Assembly Language. 8 Hrs

General Design Procedure, Design of assembler, Statement of Problem, Data structure, Format of databases, algorithm, look for modularity, Table Processing: Searching and Sorting., The problem, Searching a table, linear Search, binary Search, Sorting, interchange sort, Shell Sort, Bucket Sort, Radix Exchange Sort, address calculation sort, comparison of sorts, hash or random entry searching.10 Hrs

Macro language and the macro processor:
Macroinstruction, Features of macro facility, Macro instruction arguments, conditional macro Expansion, macro calls within macros, macro instructions defining macros, Implementation, Statement of problem, implementation of a restricted facility, A two pass algorithm. A single pass algorithm, implementation of macro calls within macros. Implementation within an assembles.10 Hrs

Loader schemes, Compile & go, General loading Scheme, absolute loaders, Subroutine Languages, Relocating loaders, Direct linking loaders, other loading Schemes – Binders, linking loaders, Overlays, Dynamic binders. Design of absolute loader., Design of a Direct linking loader, Specification of problem, Specification of data structure, format of data bases ,algorithm.10 Hrs

Statement of problem, Problem1: Recognizing basic Elements, Problem2: Recognizing Syntactic cutis & interpreting meaning, Problem3: Storage allocation., Problem4: Code Generation. Optimization (machine independent) optimization(machine dependent), Assembly Phase, General model of compiler. 6Hrs

Simple Structure of Compiler, Brief introduction to 7 Phases of Compilers.3 Hrs

1. Jeffrey Ullman: Basics of Compiler Design
2. John J. Donowon , System Programming, TATA McGraw-Hil.
3. Beck: System Software, 3/e Pearson Education
4. Dhamdhere: System programming and Operating System TMH
5. Chitra Ravi: System Programming, BCA 6th sem BU
6. Laudon & Laudon, Management Information Systems, 8/e. Pearson Education

TITLE: Computer Graphics
CODE: CA4312
Hrs / Week: 4 Hrs

Graphics Systems:
Display Devices, Hard Copy Devices, Interactive Input Devices, Display Processors, and Graphic software. 4 Hrs

Output Primitives:
Points & Lines, Line drawing algorithms, DDA & Bresenham’s line algorithms, Circle generating algorithms, Ellipses. Attributes of output primitives, line type, line width, line color, area filling, Scan line algorithm. 8 Hrs

Two Dimensional Transformations:
Basic transformations, translation, Scaling and Rotation. Matrix representations and homogeneous co-ordinates, composite transformation -translation, scaling and rotations. Raster methods for transformation.8 Hrs

Windowing and Clipping:
Windowing concepts clipping algorithms, line clipping, area clipping, Blanking window to view port transformations. 6 Hrs

Interactive Input Methods:

Physical input devices: keyboards, touch panels, line pens, graphics tablets, joysticks, mouse, trackball, interactive picture construction techniques.4 Hrs

Three Dimensional Concepts:
Three–dimensional co–ordinate systems, three–dimensional display techniques, perspective and parallel projections, polygon surfaces, curved surfaces, octrees, three–dimensional transformations.6 Hrs

Hidden Surface and Hidden Line Removal:
Back–face removal, depth buffer method, scan line method.8 Hrs

Shading and Color Mode 6 Hrs

1. Donald Hearn & M.Pauline Baker, Computer Graphics C Version, Pearson Educaiton/PHI
2. Computer Graphics – Steven Harrington, McGH
3. Dr.Venugopal K.R .Syeda Noor Fathima, H.S. Vemala, A programming Approach, programming with Fortran Pascal and C, TMH.
4. Principles of Interactive Computer Graphics – Newman and Sproull,
5. McGraw Hill
6. Graphics Under C – Yeshwant Kanetkar, BPB Publications.
7. James D Foley, Adries Van Dam, Steven K Feiner, John F Hughes, Computer Graphics, Addison Wesley, 1997.
8. Cooley: The Essence of Computer Graphics Pearson Education

TITLE: Computer Networks – I
CODE: CA4412
Hrs / Week: 4 Hrs

Uses of Computer networks, network hardware, network software, reference models. 8 Hrs

The physical layer:
The theoretical basis for data communication, guided transmission media, wireless transmission, communication satilites, the public switched telephone network, the mobile telephone system.10 Hrs

The data link layer:
Data link layer design issues, error detection and correction, elementary data link protocols, sliding window protocols, protocol verification. 10 Hrs

The medium access control sub layer:
The channel allocation problem, multiple access protocols, Ethernet, wireless LAN, broadband wireless, Bluetooth. 10 Hrs

The network layer:
Network layer design issues, routing algorithms- the optimality principle, shortest path routing, flooding, congestion control algorithms-general principles of congestion control, congestion prevention policies. 10 Hrs

The transport layer:
The transport service, elements of transport protocols, a simple transport protocol. 6 Hrs

The application layer:
DNS, electronic mail, the world wide web. 6 Hrs

1. Andrew S.Tannenbaum, “Computer Networks”, Fourth Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited NewDelhi
2. Behrouz A. Forouzan, “Data Communications and Networking”, TATA Mc-
3. Grow-Hill publications, Second Edition, 2003.
4. William Stallings, “Data & Computer Communications”, Pearson Education
5. Asia, Sixth Edition, 2001.
6. William A. Shay, “Understanding Data Communication and Networks”, Vikas Publishing House, Second Edition, 2001.

Hrs / Week: 2 Hrs

1. Write a shell program for all arithmetic operations.
2. Write a shell program to swap two values.
3. Write a shell program to find the square root of a number.
4. Write a shell program to find the greatest of three numbers.
5. Write a shell program to find the leap year.
6. Write a shell program to check the given number is odd or even.
7. Write a shell program to find the average and grade of five subjects.
8. Write a shell program to find XY
9. Write a shell program to generate the series of even numbers from 0 to n.
10. Write a shell program to generate the series of prime numbers.
11. Write a shell program to calculate area of a circle.
12. Write a shell program to check if the given string is palindrome or not.
13. Write a shell program to find the sum of five digit number.
14. Write a shell program to find the factorial of a number.
15. Write a shell program to generate the fibonacci series.
16. Write a shell program to find the length of a string.
17. Write a shell program to find the number of vowels in a string.
18. Write a shell program to reverse a five digit number.
19. Write a shell program to reverse a string.
20. Write a shell program to find the net salary for an employee.

Hrs / Week: 2 Hrs

1. Line using (a) DDA algorithm and (b) Bresenham’s algorithm
2. Circle using (a) DDA algorithm and (b) Midpoint circle algorithm
3. Write a program showing (a) line styles and (b) area filling.
4. Translation and scaling of a rectangle.
5. Rotation of a triangle:
          (a) With respect to the origin.
          (b) With respect to a pivot point.
6. Reflection of a circle:
          (a) With respect to the origin.
          (b) with respect to X-axis
          (c) with respect to Y-axis
          (d) With respect to the line Y=X.
7. Shearing of a rectangle
          (a) With respect to x axis
          (b) With respect to y axis
8. Vertical histogram.
9. Horizontal histogram.
10. Pie-chart.
11. Write a program to spiral, cardioid, four leaf and limacon.
12. Bezier Curves.
13. Flood fill algorithm.
14. Implementation of Cohen-Sutherland line clipping algorithm.
15. Implementation of Liang Barsky algorithm for line clipping.
16. Implementation of Sutherland-Hodgeman polygon clipping algorithm.
17. Scan-line area filling.
18. Animation- Man walking with an umbrella.


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