Theory Question Paper Format
The question papers of the theory examinations should follow the pattern specified below:
Section |
Marks for Each Question |
Number of Questions |
Total Marks |
Total |
Should Answer |
A |
3 |
8 |
6 |
18 |
B |
8 |
6 |
4 |
32 |
C |
10 |
3 |
2 |
20 |
Total Marks |
70 |
While selecting the questions importance should be given to all major units.
Scheme of valuation:
1. |
Writing two programs one from each section |
20 marks |
2. |
Execution of one program |
20 marks |
3. |
Formatting the program and output |
10 marks |
3. |
Record verification |
10 marks |
4. |
Viva voce related to practical topics only |
10 marks |
Total Marks |
70 |
Scheme of valuation:
1. |
Demonstration and presentation |
70 marks |
2. |
Documentation |
30 marks |
Total Marks |
100 |
TITLE: JAVA programming
CODE: CA5112
Hrs / Week: 4 Hrs
Introduction to JAVA:
JAVA Evolution, Overview of JAVA Language: Introduction, Simple Java Program, More of Java, An Application with Two Classes Java Program structure, Java Tokens, Java Statements, Implementing a Java Program, Java Virtual Machine, Programming Style. Constants, Variables, and Data Types, Operators and Expressions, Type conversion and Associativity, Mathematical Functions. Decision Making and Branching: Introduction, Decision Making with if Statement, Simple if Statement, The if …… else Statement, Nesting of if ……… else Statements, The else if Ladder, The Switch Statement, The ?: Operator. Decision Making and Looping: Introduction. The while Statement, The do Statement, The for Statement, Jumps in Loops Labeled Loops.
12 Hrs
Classes, Arrays, Strings and collection frame work:
Classes, Objects and Methods, Constructors, Methods Overloading, Static Members, Nesting of Methods. Inheritance: Extending a Class Overriding Methods, Final Variables and Methods, Finalizer methods, Abstract Methods and Classes, Visibility Control. Arrays. Strings and Vectors: Arrays, One – dimensional Arrays, Creating an Array, Two – dimensional Arrays, Strings, Vectors, WrapperClasses.
12 Hrs
Interfaces, Packages, and Multithreaded Programming: Interfaces:
Multiple Inheritance: Introduction, Defining Interfaces, Extending Interfaces, Implementing Interfaces, Accessing Interface Variables. Packages: Putting Classes together: Introduction, Java API Packages, Using System Packages, Naming Conventions, Creating Packages, Accessing a Package, Using a Package, Adding a Class to a Package, Hiding Classes.
6 Hrs
Multithreaded Programming:
Introduction, Creating Threads, Extending the Thread Class, Stopping and Blocking a thread, Life Cycle of a thread, Using Thread Methods, Thread Exceptions, Thread Priority, Synchronization, Implementing the ‘Runnable’ Interface.
10 Hrs
Exceptions, Applet Programming:
Introduction, Types of Errors, Exceptions, Syntax of Exception Handling Code, Multiple Catch Statements, Using Finally Statement, Throwing Our Own Exceptions, Using Exceptions for Debugging. Applet Programming: Introduction, How Applets Differ from Applications, Preparing to Write Applets, Building Applet Code, Applet Life Cycle, Creating an Executable applet, Designing a Web Page, Applet Tag, Adding Applet to HTML File, running the Applet, More about Applet Tag, Passing Parameters to Applets, Aligning the Display, More About HTML Tags, Displaying Numerical Values, Getting Input from the Usr.
12 Hrs
Managing Input / Output Files in JAVA:
Introduction, Concept of Streams, Stream Classes, Byte Stream Classes, Character Stream Classes, Using Streams, Other Useful I/O Classes, Using the File Class, Input/Output Exceptions, Creation of Files, Reading/Writing Characters, Reading/Writing Bytes, Handling Primitive Data Types, Concatenating and Buffering Files, Interactive Input and output, Other Stream Classes.
8 Hrs
1. Shishir Gundavaram, CGI Programming on the World Wide Web, O’Reilly and Associates, (1996). (Chapter 1 – 7)
2. E. Balaguruswamy, Programming with JAVA, A Primer, 2nd Edition, (Chapter 2 – 16)
3. Thomas Boutel, CGI programming in C and Perl, Addison – Wesley, (1996).4
4. Jefry Dwight et al, Using CGI, (Second Edition), Prentice Hall, India, (1997).
5. Darrel Ince & Adam Freeman, Programming the Internet with Java, Addison – Wesley, (1997).
6. KenArnold & James Gosling, The Java Programming Language, Addison – Wesley, (1998)
7. Patrick Naughton & Herbert Schildt, JAVA 2: The Complete Reference, 3rd Edition, TMH, (1999).
TITLE: Multimedia Technology
CODE: CA5212
Hrs / Week: 4 Hrs
Multimedia Information Representation:
Introduction, Digitization Principles – Analog Signals, Encoder Design, Decoder Design. Text: Unformatted Text, Formatted Text, Hyper Text. Images: Graphics, Digitized Documents, Digitized Pictures. Audio: PCM Speech, CD – Quality Audio, Synthesized Audio. Video – Broadcast Television, Digital Video, PC Video, Video Content.
15 Hrs
Text Compression:
Compression Principles – Source Encoder and Destination Decoder, Lossless and Lossy Compression, Entropy Encoding, Source Encoding. Text Compression – Static and Dynamic Huffman Coding, Arithmetic Coding.
10 Hrs
Continuous Media:
Pcm speech, cd-quality audio, synthesizers, musical instrument digital interface, broadcast television, digital video, pc video.
10 Hrs
Image Compression:
Graphics Interchange Format (GIF), Tagged Image File Format (TIFF), Digitized Documents, JPEG.
8 Hrs
Audio Compression:
Differential Pulse Coded Modulation (DPCM), Adaptive Differential PCM (ADPCM), Adaptive Predictive Coding and Linear Predictive Coding, MPEG Audio Coding.
9 Hrs
Video Compression:
Principles, CD, DVD, H.261 Video Compression, MPEG 1, MPEG2 and MPEG 4.
8 Hrs
1. Halshall, Fred. “Multimedia Communications – Applications, Networks, Protocols and Standards”. 2001. Pearson Education.
2. Chapman, Nigel and Chapman, Jenny. “Digital Multimedia”. 2000. John Wily & Sons.
3. Steinmaetz, Ralf and Nahrstedt, Klara. Multimedia : “Comunications and Applications”. 2003. Pearson Education.
TITLE: Computer Architecture
CODE: CA5312
Hrs / Week: 4 Hrs
Digital logic circuits:
Integrated circuits and digital functions: Digital integrated circuits, IC flip -flops and registers, decoders and multiplexers, binary counters, shift registers, random - access memories (RAM) read-only memories (ROM).
10 Hrs
Data representation
Data types, fixed-point representation, floating-point representation, other binary codes, error detection codes.
6 Hrs
Basic computer organization and design:
Instruction codes, computer instruction, timing and control, execution and instruction, input-output and interrupt, design of computer.
12 Hrs
Central processor organization:
Processor bus organization, arithmetic logic unit (ALU), stack organization, instruction formats, addressing modes, data transfer and manipulation, program control, microprocessor organization.
12 Hrs
Input-output organization:
Peripheral devices, I/O interface, asynchronous data transfer, direct memory access (DMA), priority interrupt, input-output processor (IOP).
10 Hrs
Memory organization:
Auxiliary memory, microcomputer, memory hierarchy, associative memory, virtual memory, cache memory, memory management hardware.
10 Hrs
TITLE: Computer Network-II
CODE: CA5412
Hrs / Week: 4 Hrs
Local Area Network:
Features, components of LAN, Benefits of network, LAN evaluation, planning and installing of a LAN.
4 Hrs
TCP/IP: Origin,
Layering, Internet Address, port numbers, DNS, client server model, RFC’s services, API, Link layer, SLIP, MTU.
4 Hrs
IP and Dynamic Routing:
IP routing: principals, ICMP host and network unreachable errors, ICMP redirect errors, ICMP router discovery messages, Dynamic routing: RIP,OSPF,BGP,CIDR User Datagram Protocol, UDP header, checksum, IP fragmentation, ICMP unreachable error, Maximum UDP datagram size, ICMP source quench error, UDP server design , Introduction to broadcasting and multicasting, DNS: Introduction, basics, message format, query message, resource record, caching.
14 Hrs
Services, header, connection establishment and termination, TCP state transition diagram, Reset segments, simultaneously open and close. TCP Interactive Data Flow: Interactive Input, delayed acknowledgements, Nagle’s Algorithm. Bulk Data flow: Normal data flow, sliding window, window size, congestion. Time out and Re-transmission. Round trip time measurement.
12 Hrs
Telnet and Remote Login:
Introduction, Rlogin protocol, TELNET protocol, FTP: Protocol, data representation, FTP commands, Replies, connection management. SMTP: Protocol, SMTP commands, MIME. NFS: Sun RPC, NFS protocol.
12 Hrs
Network Security:
Introduction to the concepts of security, the need for security, security approaches, principles of security, types of attacks.
Convention Encryption:
Conventional Encryption Model, Steganography, Classical Encryption Techniques, Simplified DES, Block Cipher Principles, The Data Encryption Standard, The Strength of DES, Differential and Linear Cryptanalysis, Block Cipher Design Principles, Block Cipher Modes of operation, Conventional Encryption algorithms.
14 Hrs
1. Internet Applications By Harish
2. Computer Networks & Internets By Corner & Narayanan, pearson
3. Internet Technology By Rama.
4. William Stallings, “Cryptography and Network Security”, Fourth edition, Prentice Hall, 2007
Hrs / Week: 2 Hrs
1. To demonstrate the general structure of java language with it’s various data types.
2. To accept 5 subject marks through command line arguments, find the average and total of the mark. Display the result in various grades as follows.
Greater than 80 % Outstanding
60 – 80 first class
50 – 60 second class
40 – 50 third class
less than 40 Fail.
3. Create one single dimensional array type of string and display the text in alphabetical order.
4. Generate a multi-level inheritance program which used to demonstrate constructor overloading .
5. Generate a java program which shows the difference between static, final, abstract access modifiers.
6. Create one object array to store minimum 50 student’s database.
7. Create one interface with all arithmetic operations and implement it to demonstrate Interface implementation.
8. Create one package to operate on all arithmetic operations and import those methods in normal java program.
9. To do the following operations on the given set of strings. a)concatenation. b) Comparison c) Character extraction. d)Length of string. use string buffer to generate the list of string operations.(any 7 functions)
10. Create a java program to explain multiple try and nested try block statements.
11. Create your own exception to handle the exception when the input value is more than 10.
12. Generate one single thread a) using Thread class b) using runnable interface
13. To find factorial of list of number reading input as command line argument.
14. To find prime series reading N as command line argument.
15. To sort list of elements in ascending and descending order and show the exception handling.
16. To implement constructor overloading by passing different number of parameter of different types.
17. To create student report using applet, read the input using text boxes and display the o/p using buttons.
18. To calculate bonus for different departments using method overriding.
Hrs / Week: 2 Hrs
Mini Project Lab
Students will be required to pursue a project work allotted to them. This work generally involves solving some practical problem, developing computer programs using the knowledge acquired in the theory and laboratory courses. They will have to submit a report of the work done by them.
Teaching Plan
• Computer Architecture
• Multimedia Technology