A week-long photography class was arranged by the Journalism Department from 21st to 26th August, 2017, for first year BA (EJP and JPS) students. A guest lecturer, Nikhil had taken class for this one week during which he had enriched our students with his knowledge of photography.
He explained things theoretically as well as showed them practical ways to use the camera. He spoke about different types of lenses classified based on focal length and which ones to use for different types of photography. For example, he spoke about a fish-eye lens. He showed them examples of shots for each kind of lens. He spoke about how to adjust the shutter speed for best results. As a whole, it was a class on the more intricate aspects of photography. He explained about background and foreground and certain rules of photography that one can apply to get the best results. He also spoke about how to focus on certain things in people and objects while taking pictures. He showed the students a few of his favorite photographs. He also encouraged students who are interested in photography to take different and uncommon types of photos.
The classes as a whole were very beneficial especially for those who are interested in photo-journalism.
Report by:
Elizabeth Howell (2nd JPS)
Brenda Zoramthari (2nd EJP)