The Department of Kannada organized a programme for Karnataka Rajyotsava on November 30, 2017 from 7 to 9 pm at the Loyola hall, St. Joseph’s Evening College.
The evening began by singing the State anthem. The chief guest for the day was Mr. Satyanath, an alumnus of our college who is presently involved with films. He spoke beautifully about the Kannada language and the need to give it due respect. He said that since Kannada is the breath of the people of Karnataka, we need to save our language and celebrate Karnataka Rajyotsava enthusiastically.
Fr. Jason SJ, the counselor at St. Joseph’s Evening College, addressed the students. He told the audience that no matter where we are, we need to respect the people and the language of that place. Kannada language is our mother and therefore we should be happy with her and not forget her.
After the speech the students actively participated in drama and dance. Many competitions were held in honor of Karnataka Rajyotsava. The winners were awarded prizes. It was a memorable evening.