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II – Semester

II Semester M.A (English)
Academic Writing Course

A: Topics for discussion
How to write an effective paragraph
Critical Summary
Comparison, contrast, Cause and Effect.
Writing an Annotated Bibliography

B: Writing an Essay for Academic Purposes
Comparison Essay
Discussion Essay

C: Readings
1. "The Charge of the Light Brigade": The Creation of a Poem, Edgar Shannon and Christopher Ricks, Studies in Bibliography
2. The Lure of Translingual Writing: Paul Kei Matsuda, PMLA Journal
3. We Want to Know Who Our Students Are: Patricia Bizzell, PMLA Journal
4. Integrating whose nation? Tourists and terrorists in 'Roja': Tejaswini Niranjana, Economic and Political Weekly.

D: References
Academic Writing: A handbook for international students, Stephen Bailey, Routledge, 2006.
Academic Writing: Study skills for students. R.R. Jordan, Longman, 1999.

E: Outcomes Internal Assessment to be based on periodic grading of paragraph writing, critical summary and bibliography skills. (30 marks)

End-semester Assessment: Viva based on portfolio submission of three essays in response to the readings prescribed above. The essays must each be of about 1500-2000 words in length and must display both a critical understanding and how well the student has understood the conventions followed in academic writing. (70 marks)


(60 HOURS)

1. To view English literary history in its socio-cultural and political contexts.
2. To create an awareness of the problems of canon formation and literary representation.

(The Jacobean Age (Restoration & after)
(a) Pope : Extract from “Epistle to Abuthnot”
(b) Aphra Behn: Oroonoko

(1) The Age of Prose (essayists & Journalism)

(a) Addison
: Selection from the Coverley Papers
(b) Johnson
: Letter to Chesterfield
(c) Mary (Wortley Montague
: Extract from Turkish Letters.

(2) Romanticism: Background
(a) Wordsworth
: Extract from the Immortality ode.
(b) Coleridge
: “Kubla Khan”
(c) Keats
: “ Ode on a Grecian Urn”
: “ Ode to the West Wind”
(e) Byron
: “ She walks in Beauty”
(f) Mary Wollstonecraft
: Introduction to “A Vindication to the Right of Women”

(3) The Victorian Age (Poetry) Background
(a) Browning
: “ My Last Duchess”
(b) Elizabeth Barett
: “ How do I love thee?”
(c) Tennyson
: “Ulysses”
(d) Arnold
: “Dover Beach”


1. To help students read texts in the wider contexts of European history.
2. To encourage students to develop new and original methods of interpretation even while surveying ‘traditional’ texts.

Unit - 1
1) Boccaccio: Extract from Decameron

Unit - II
1) Extract from “What is Literature – Sartre(“Why Write”?)
2) Rousseau: Extract from Confessions
3) Goethe : Extract from Faust
4) Pushkin: The Bronze Horseman”
5) Gogol: The Over coat”
6) Flaubert: Film text of Madame Bovary, directed by Claude Chabrol.


(60 HOURS)

1. To understand both Indian Writing in English and regional literatures in India translated into English as part of Indian Literatures.
2. To show students a cultural world they are familiar with, and to show the prevalence of several cultural world within any apparently uniform culture.

Indian Writing in English Translation: Vignettes

Unit – I: Re-reading Pre-modern Texts

: Basavanna, Akka Mahadevi (Selections from Signs)
Sagam Poetry
: Selection from Ramanujan’s Poems of Love and War
Women Poets in the Bhakti Movement
: Selection from Women Writing in India

Unit – II: Imaging Colonial India
Bankim Chandra
: Anandmath
O. Chandu Menon
: Indulekha
Bhishm Sahni
: Tamas

Unit – III : Many India’s
: TaleDanda
: Samskara
Mahasweta Devi
: “Rudali”
: “The Card-Sharper’s Daughter”
Abhuri Chaya Devi
: “Bonsai Life”

Recommended Reading:
1. Aijaz Ahmed: “Indian Literature: Notes Towards the Definition of a Category” in In Theory
2. G.N. Devy: “Indian Literatures in English Translation”

Reading and Writing-II

This course is a continuation of Reading and Writing-I and aims at enabling students to become familiar with certain key concepts in current critical thinking about literature and culture. It will also facilitate a more rigorous form of reading which includes certain contemporary approaches to the study of literature and culture

Unit I: Keywords:
1) Modern and modernity
2) Modernism and Post-modernism
3) Dalit and subaltern
4) Hybridity and syncretism

Unit 2: Approaches
a) Liberal humanism
b) Structuralism
c) Post-structuralism
d) Post-colonialism
e) Feminism

Unit 3: Readings
1) Modernity, From Key Ideas in Sociology ( Extract) p.131-134
2) Brann, T Eva “What is Post-modernism?” The Harvard Review of Philosophy p.4-7
3) Raymond Williams, “When was Modernism”?

Unit 4
1) Hans Bertens Literary Theory: The Basics (extracts only) p.53-78; p.117-147; 193-237
2) Peter Barry , “Ten Tenets of Liberal Humanism” Beginning Theory p.20-23 p. 29-30
3) Peter Barry, Feminist Criticism, 121-130
4) Ibid p.192-200


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